PCPF eng - Church
The Importance of the Laity in Africa
The Bishops of Namibia and Lesotho, received by the PCF on their ad Limina visit, tell about their countries‘ problems and strengths

On Tuesday, April 21st, Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, received the Bishops of Namibia and Lesotho, in Rome for their ad Limina visit, at the seat of the Dicastery.
"For us–said Msgr. Liborius Nashenda, Archbishop of Windhoek and President of the Episcopal Conference of Namibia–, one of the most important challenges is the ongoing formation of the clergy, but also that of the deacons, the religious and the laity. The presence of the laity is growing and so is the awareness that the Church also belongs to them: there was a time–said the Archbishop–, when they felt excluded; but now we are trying to make them understand that we are all part of the Church, like a team, and that only by collaborating can we be a local church and continue Christ‘s work, which has been entrusted to the Church."
On the other hand, the Bishops of Lesotho, pastors of a young Church that has rapidly developed, noted the vibrant activism of the laity in ecclesial community of their country. Their presence greatly increased during the years of the Second Vatican Council, a time when small Christian communities were created.
Looking towards the XIV Ordinary Synod on the family, scheduled for next October, the Namibian Bishops have finally said that special attention is to be given to pastoral care for the family, and in particular to the preparation of couples for marriage. In fact, in Namibia, just as in other African countries influenced by Western lifestyles, Christian marriage is declining while cohabitation is on the increase. Therefore, the need is felt to make greater efforts to educate the young people on the true meaning of this sacrament and on family values.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-APR-15

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