PCPF eng - Church
The Family: A Small Domestic Church
In a homily, Bishop Petrini asked everyone to fight against the actions that disqualify families

On the morning of Wednesday, April 22nd, the President of the Commission on Family and Life of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, Bishop João Carlos Petrini, presided over Holy Mass on the eighth day of the 53rd General Assembly of Brazil‘s Bishops, in Aparecida (SP).
"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." With these words of the liturgy of the day, Msgr. Petrini began his reflection, highlighting that the Son of God has conquered evil and death, and that whoever believes in him has eternal life. "Anyone who sees the Son and believes in him, is recognized as connected with Jesus through baptism as well as the sacraments of the Eucharist and penance, and through the whole life of the Church; whoever recognizes him has eternal life and, in the end, will be resurrected."
Bishop Petrini explained that the eternity that Jesus tells us about is a better quality of life on this earth, and that Christ wants to announce a life that has meaning, beauty and value, so that all may live with enthusiasm and joy.
Speaking about the Synod, Msgr. Petrini underlined that Pope Francis has brought together Bishops from around the world to reflect on the family. "He [Pope Francis] cares for today‘s world, which is becoming a Babylon that sacrifices the best of life and is losing the beauty of the love lived in the family formed by a man and a woman, open to children and their education." With respect to the Synod on the Family, the Bishop indicated three actions for dialoguing with society: presenting in a new way the Gospel of the family, which is the beauty of love that marks the way of eternal life; facing the wounds and the painful situations that are created; and promoting the social dimension of the family. "From the very beginning, God intended man to live with others: male and female he created them."
Bishop Petrini recalled that, for John Paul II, the family is the closest thing on earth to the Trinity: "In fact, the Trinity is composed of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who is love. The Trinity‘s internal dynamic movement is the total gift of self. The Father gives to his Son, the Son gives to his Father, and the Spirit himself is the love between the two."
Consequently, the Bishop has called the family a "small domestic church": "Jesus gives to all, embracing and enriching human love; but when love is lived only for pleasure a wound is created." In closing, Msgr. Petrini asked everyone to fight against the actions that disqualify the family, by deciding to change the channel or inviting Jesus and Mary to take part in the family‘s everyday life.
"So, when there is no wine, when the joy and the desire to live disappear, the Virgin Mary can say to Jesus: ‘Look, truly, they lack wine.‘ And she will say to us, ‘Do whatever he tells you‘. Then, we can witness the miracle of growth in the life of the family, renewed in peace and in the abundance Jesus desires for us, so that we will have eternal life."
Source: www.cancaonova.com

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 29-APR-15

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