PCPF eng - Culture
The Starting Point
"Punto Famiglia" is the bimonthly magazine that, for almost ten years now, has been promoting the family in the Church and in the world

This is a bimonthly magazine, edited by young people and spouses who fervently support the family. Alongside the development of original ideas and proposals on the hot topics of current events, the big little problems that the society‘s basic unit faces in daily life are never overlooked.
We are talking about Punto Famiglia, an innovative magazine, founded in 2006, with the intention to accompany and support the family, by inviting it to become aware of its leading role in the social and ecclesial context, and by supporting it as it faces the challenges to which the modern world increasingly calls it. The main topics covered in its pages range from unborn children to the educational task, and include the spirituality of marriage, foster care and hospitality.
In addition to the printed magazine, a free, constantly updated electronic edition of the magazine is available on the web. In it, you can find interesting articles, chronicles as well as viewpoints. The site is structured in macro areas on "Life", "The Couple", "Parents", "Society", "Encounters", and "Spirituality". To make it even more savory, there are editorials and contents expressed in a blog-section related to the magazine.
No less important, finally, is the area of the site reserved for the online library. In fact, since 2011, the magazine‘s experience has led to the creation of the publishing house Punto Famiglia, specialized in the edition of books on the family, with content covering all of its facets: spirituality and specific pastoral ministry, but also testimonies, collections of stories and anthologies.
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Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 29-APR-15

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