PCPF eng - Church
Society‘s Masterpiece
The Pope‘s General Audience on marriage: "The bond between man and woman blessed by God since creation"

Recalling the wedding in Cana and "the book of Genesis, when God finishes the work of creation and makes his masterpiece," the Pope emphasized that the masterpiece "is man and woman. Now, here, Jesus begins his own miracles with this masterpiece, during a marriage, at the wedding feast, of a man and a woman. In this way, Jesus teaches us that society‘s masterpiece is the family: a man and a woman who love each other! This is a masterpiece." Pope Francis addressed these words to the faithful this morning, in St. Peter‘s Square, during the General Audience dedicated to God‘s original plan for the couple composed of a man and a woman.
Since Cana, where Jesus "not only participated in the marriage, but ‘saved the celebration‘ with a miracle of wine—Francis continued—, many things have changed, but Christ‘s ‘sign‘ contains a message that is always valid." Yet, today "young people do not want to get married, and in many countries the number of separations is on the increase, while the number of children is decreasing." They are, then, the first victims of separation: "If, as a child, you experience the marriage bond as ‘temporary,‘ unconsciously, that is how it will be for you. […] There is this culture of the provisional… everything is temporary; it seems that there is nothing definitive."
According to the Pope, people do not avoid marriage "only because of economic difficulties, although these are really serious," and even less because of the change that, in recent decades, has been "brought about by the emancipation of women." "In fact—he said—, almost all men and women desire stable, emotional security, a solid marriage and a happy family", but "fear of failure is perhaps the biggest obstacle to receiving the word of Christ, who promises His grace to the spousal union and the family."
Still, the "most convincing testimony of the blessing of Christian marriage—he said—is the good life of Christian spouses and families. There is no better way to express the beauty of the sacrament! Marriage consecrated by God preserves the bond between man and woman that He has blessed since the creation of the world; and it is a source of peace and good for the whole family and married life. […] The Christian seed of radical equality between the spouses must bring new fruits today. The testimony of the social dignity of marriage will become convincing precisely thanks to this path, the path of testimony that attracts, the path of reciprocity between them, of their complementarity." Christians—the Pope added, turning finally to the Italian pilgrims present in the square—"when they get married ‘in the Lord,‘ become an effective sign of God‘s love. Christians do not get married just for themselves: they do so in the Lord, for the benefit of the entire community and for all of society."
Read the catechesis

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 30-APR-15

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