PCPF eng - Church
Brazilian Bishops chosen to take part in the Synod on the family

On Thursday, April 23rd, at its 53rd Plenary Assembly, the Conference of Bishops of Brazil chose its representatives for the 14th Synod of Bishops on the family, which will be held in the Vatican from 4 to 25 October.
The Archbishop of Brasilia (DF) and new president of the CNBB, Msgr. Sergio da Rocha, was chosen as first member of the Conference at the Synod.
The second member representing the CNBB is the Bishop of Camaçari (BA), Msgr. João Carlos Petrini, who chaired the Commission for Life and Family from 2011 to 2015.
Msgr. Geraldo Lyrio Rocha, Archbishop of Mariana (MG), was chosen as the third member.
The Archbishop of São Paulo (SP), Cardinal Odilo Pedro Scherer, is the fourth member of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops.
Msgr. João Bosco Barbosa de Sousa, Bishop of Osasco (SP) and newly elected president of the Commission for Life and the Family, is first substitute.
The auxiliary Bishop of Brasilia (DF), Msgr. Leonardo Steiner, re-elected Secretary General of the CNBB, was chosen as the second substitute.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 30-APR-15

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