PCPF eng - Culture
The Flesh of Jesus, the Flesh of the Spouses
Presentation of Father José Granados’ book on the theology of marriage "Una sola carne in un solo spirit" in the Auditorium of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute

Innovative theology of marriage, whose development starts with Christ’s incarnation, is offered by Father José Granados in his most recent work "Una sola carne in un solo spirito" (One flesh, one spirit) (Cantagalli Edizioni, 424 pages). The book was presented last Monday in the Auditorium of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute.
In the presence of the author, the comments of the speakers invited to present the book to the public were unanimously enthusiastic and positive. "It is a beautiful, deep and well documented volume, in which the discussion of the topics is always guided by a strict criterion," said H.E. Msgr. Luis F. Ladaria Ferrer, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. His words concurred with those of Professor Nicola Ciola, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University: "In the book, marriage is described as a mystery of unity that refers to the flesh assumed by the Son of God: Jesus‘ corporeity is connected to that of the couple. Granados writes precisely about a paschal Christ, who takes what is human, from end to the beginning, and vice versa: the resurrected body of Jesus leads us back to the origin, to the first two humans, man and woman, who are one flesh. Equally important is what the author says about the pneumatic aspect of marriage, about the Spirit‘s spousal charity: one body in one Spirit. In fact, just like the union of the Logos and the flesh lasted all throughout Jesus‘ life, the union of husband and wife in the flesh, in the course of married life, can similarly transmit and receive divine grace."
Finally, for spouses Giulio and Angela Borgia Guicciardini, directors of the Commission for Family Ministry of the Tuscan Bishops Conference, the book fully answers the question "Why get married'" In fact—they said—"the pages of this dense and challenging text are certainly very useful for family ministry; they leave no doubt as to the sense of marriage, by inserting it into a human and ecclesial story capable of guiding the life of today‘s couples. In this work, Fr. Granados reconstitutes a real alphabet, which, if well used, can—at a time when so many couples find it difficult to understand the substance and the genuine reason of this sacrament—truly produce significant new words and discourse on marriage."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 07-MAG-15

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