PCPF eng - Church
The Cradle of Values
The Congolese Bishops visited the Pontifical Council for the Family: “Resist the pressures of gender theory”

"The family is the cradle where the Christian values are transmitted, and the Church in Congo has not stopped transmitting these values despite the pressure of international institutions that want to destroy her through ideological models like gender theory." This statement was made during a meeting at the Pontifical Council for the Family, on Tuesday, May 5, by the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Congo, in Rome for their Ad Limina visit.
The bishops focused on the country‘s internal problems, such as "the weight of tradition, the issue of the dowry, poverty that turns marriage into a business, the growing number of young baptized who do not want to get married, the problem of single mothers and boys who are fathers." In addition, they noted the difficulties related to "unemployment, sects that affect families, and the repudiation of wives by their husbands." These challenges—the bishops continued—"also create problems in the formation of couples, because priests find it very difficult to accompany families”; yet, they do try to go out to meet them through movements and special events.
The difficult issue of polygamy was addressed by Bishop Louis Portella, President of the Episcopal Conference of the Congo, who highlighted the commitment to evangelize polygamous families and form lay people to accompany couples, through marriage preparation and even after the wedding.
After listening to them, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, urged the Bishops to continue their efforts in defense of the family, advising them to follow Pope Francis‘ catechesis. For the president of the Pontifical Council, "baptism, confirmation, and marriage are not enough;" it is necessary to "go further and live a pastoral conversion, accompanying persons from childhood to the end, accompanying couples before marriage and after their wedding in prayer, and by daily reading of the Gospel. The power of the Church is her witness, and the aim is to have a Church that is alive, with lay people present in all the realities of society."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 12-MAG-15

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