PCPF eng - Church
Family difficulties and hope
The Bishops of Mozambique on their Ad Limina visit, on 8 May 2015. Extracts of the documents sent by the Bishops

1) The bishops emphasize that few Catholic marriages are celebrated. The biggest problem in family ministry is the gap between those who attend Sunday Mass and those who, far fewer, contact them for reasons related to the non-celebration of marriage, while they are already bound by a de facto union and have with children. The causes should be looked for
 a. in polygamy, which is not accepted by the Civil Law, but foreseen and recognized by the Traditional Law. Polygamy often prevents access to Baptism and then to marriage.
(Diocese of BEIRA: the association Movement of Young Couples, which promotes preparation for supporting marital life and the resulting commitments, has some engaged couples who do not yet live together, in contrast to the norm of pre-marital cohabitation)
 b. The lack of financial resources
 c. The fact that of moving in together drives people away from the practice of the Mass and Holy Communion and, consequently, from engaging in the marital Course and then receiving Sacrament. (One could cite the experience of a priest who, to deal with this problem, invited all those who were cohabitating to a special meeting to figure out, case by case, what was keeping them away from marriage; and many couples, feeling accepted, began the course. Many couples confessed that they now definitely felt out and unworthy of receiving the Eucharist, while others complained about the possible high costs of the celebration. It was possible to find practical solutions for most of these couples). The bishops note the increasing frequency of people in syncretic groups or Protestant sects.
 d. The custom of cohabitation without canonical marriage is becoming more and more widespread
2) The problem of the formation of the agents/preachers of Sunday Liturgies of the Word in the chapels, where many people from the villages gather
3) The fact that only men are catechists is a problem. Why is the leadership of those who work with parish priests exclusively male? What is the role of women catechists?
4) All the bishops spoke about the growing adhesion of many Catholics to recently founded sects that promise the illusion of easy miracles, economic prosperity, and success in life.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 15-MAG-15

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