PCPF eng - Church
If the Media Ignore the Pope
During an editorial presentation at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Sandro Magister complained that some of the media have overshadowed the Holy Father‘s most recent interventions on the family, which are "all in favor of the doctrine and traditional practice."

"The Pope has made nearly 40 interventions—since October 2014, directly after the Synod, to mid-May of this year—all in support of the traditional doctrine and practice in family matters, which the media have repeatedly overshadowed by giving them ‘very little attention.‘" This is the vibrant accusation voiced by Sandro Magister, journalist of the weekly magazine Espresso, during the presentation of Cantagalli‘s new series "Famiglia, lavori in corso," on May 20th, in the Auditorium of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute.
"After the end of the Synod—Magister continued—and after having encouraged the Bishops and taken note of all the views, Pope Francis observed remarkable resistance to change. Precisely with respect to this orientation of the Assembly, the Pope, more open to innovation in his previous interventions, changed his communicative register and began talking about the family consistently, always respectful of the teaching of his predecessors. Yet, where were the media? I think I am the first journalist to open a public debate about these interventions. How can we forget, for example, the important intervention on the gender theory, which was completely misunderstood by the media workers?"
Magister then highlighted how, since the Synod, there has been a lot of confusion in Europe that has led many parishes and pastoral agents to act individually, "endorsing Cardinal Kasper‘s thesis with choices that have led to abuses such as, for example, the absolution of divorced and remarried faithful with permission to receive Communion. Yet, if such ‘deviations in practice‘ now exist on the Old Continent, it is also true that, in contrast, rising criticism and resistance are just as strong. Such opposition was recently expressed by the Bishop of Passau, who spoke out resolutely, with the support of five other Bishops."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 26-MAG-15

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