PCPF eng - Church
In addition to what is being talked about
In an interview, Msgr. Anatrella calls for broadening the understanding of the Synod‘s objectives

"A simplistic view that is pervasive in the social debate can develop and penetrate insidiously into the current thinking about the whole Synod on the family through the cliché ‘all or nothing.‘ This is how policies related to homosexuals have been developed, the same policies that have led, in France or abroad, to civil unions or gay marriage. Rather than ‘all or nothing,‘ the question has to remain open and room must be made for psychological reflection and moral judgment." Msgr. Tony Anatrella, psychoanalyst, specialist in social psychiatry and consultant to the Pontifical Councils for the Family and for Health, said this in an interview recently granted to Zenit about how the media perceive issues related to the Synod of Bishops.
"The divorced and remarried faithful have their place in the Church. They are not excommunicated, as some media keep saying. However, for various reasons, they cannot receive the sacraments or have ecclesiastical roles, since they are not living in accordance with the sacrament of marriage. In the Church, there are many ways to solve this difficult problem, whenever it is possible. The discernment of the pastoral application is under the vigilance of the Bishop. This is meant to avoid falling into ‘subjectivity‘ or ‘moral relativism,‘ and making it a general rule that can be applied in all circumstances." As for the same-sex unions, another topic strongly brought to the fore by the media: "priests have always had an attitude of compassion and the commitment to enlighten the minds of people who are in difficult situations."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 11-GIU-15

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