PCPF eng - Culture
Family and Church: An Indissoluble Bond
An interdisciplinary contribution for the synodal reflection

The Editions of the Pontifical Council for the Family have been enriched by a new, interesting book entitled Famiglia e Chiesa, un legame indissolubile (Family and Church, an indissoluble bond), an interdisciplinary contribution for synodal reflection, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, p. 552, € 24,00. This work—the seventh of the Famiglia e Vita Series, directed by Fr. Gianfranco Grieco, Office Head of the PCF—contains the lectures given at three seminars promoted by our Dicastery (17 January, 21 February and 14 March 2015), on the following topics: "Marriage: Faith, Sacrament, Discipline;" "Family, Conjugal Love and Generation;" and "The Wounded Family and Irregular Unions: What Pastoral Attitude."
In view of the forthcoming Synod, we wanted to focus on some theoretical issues, identified as paradigmatic nuclei, crucial for the anthropological and theological reflection on marriage and family. At the end of the three sessions, each of the authors of the introductory report, prepared a brief summary that, building upon the issues raised during the debate, provide guidelines and prospects for reflection on the proposed subject. These final interventions—summaries of all the work—are respectively entitled Marriage and Sacrament, Marriage and Generation, and Marriage and Divorce (pages 475 to 545).
"The Pontifical Council for the Family, in keeping with its statutory mandate—writes the President, Archbishop Paglia, in the Preface—has responded to Pope Francis‘ call also through the promotion of an International Research Seminar on some issues mentioned in the Lineamenta for the next Synod of Bishops."


Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 15-GIU-15

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