PCPF eng - Church
Good fruits
From the summer Plenary of the Austrian Bishops, expectations for a Synod to be lived "in sincerity and humility"

Positive results "and many good fruits" is what the Bishops of the Austrian Episcopal Conference are expecting from upcoming Synod on the family. They have written this in the concluding document of their summer Plenary Assembly, which ended a few days ago at the Marian Sanctuary Mariazell.
With respect to the Synod, where the Bishop of Feldkirch, Benno Elbs, will participate as representative of the ÖBK, together with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn as a member of the Synod Council, the Austrian, Bishops have "very high" expectations and state that we must contribute "in sincerity and humility."
In the document that summarizes their work, the Bishops emphasize both the validity and relevance of the "lifelong bond of man and woman, with love and loyalty, supported by the desire to have children," and the need to give special care to people who "suffer the consequences of injustice, sin and failure in their personal and family life."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 23-GIU-15

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