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Family week

A week dedicated by the Christian community for the family. Alternatively, you may even choose to have a triduum, a weekend, or even certain days in the year. A pastoral initiative belonging to many dioceses around the world. A wonderful occasion to prepare for the VII World Meeting of Families in Milan 2012.

“In favour with God
and with people” (Lk 2, 52)
All informations about initiative: What?     Why?     When?    Who?     How? (Download Area)    Experiences
• This year’s Family Week has been placed by Benedict the XVI within the context of the VII WMF in Milan 2012
• The themes are those of the VII WMF, which speaks about “The Family, work and celebration”. These themes are explained within the Preparatory Catecheses as well as other related documents
• The biblical title chosen (Lk 2, 41) points towards the two dimensions referred to by the VII WMF. “In favour with God” explicitly implies the dimension of celebration which, from an eschatological perspective, is non other than the reason for our existence. “In favour with people” expresses the social dimension of the individual person, who finds responsible self-fulfilment also at work.
• If dioceses and parishes already have other pastoral aims, as well as traditions, they are welcome to include these into this year’s special Family Week programme
• Family Week is also an ecclesial experience which can be shared with other diocese around the world. To this end, you may send us a written description, materials presented and your pictures at pcf@family.va
• To place the family at the centre of the pastoral mission of the Diocese and Parish.
• To prepare for the VII WMF in Milan on the 30th of May to the 3rd of June 2012
• To promote the evangelizing role of the family within the Christian community and the civil society
• During the week chosen by the Diocese or parish
• Even during certain religious or civil holidays, such as the Feast of the Holy Family, Saint Joseph, Mother’s Day, Father’s day of Labour Day.
• Above all every family, considering their participation as a unity, or even as individual members: parents, children, grandparents.
• The parish or Diocese. It would be ideal that Family Week be celebrated in each parish with a concluding diocesan event.
• Family associations and other movements
• Schools (whether Catholic or civil), ranging from primary to higher education
• All types of families include separated families, family with elderly or disabled, immigrants, widowed, etc
• With a series of different initiatives, which focus too, upon the different themes of the VII WMF and are able to involve the participants with initiatives that are interrelated also with their respective local context. To this end, we include below some suggestions, as well as some material, which can be readily accessed on the website of the Pontifical Council for the Family: www.family.va


and Celebration
• The Celebration of Sunday Mass, where families are invited by the parish to participate in a special way
• The Recitation of the Holy Rosary with the family, especially in October and May
• The Letio Divina of some bible verses as suggested by the Preparatory Catecheses of the Seventh World Meeting of Families
Elenco dei brani biblici proposti nelle catechesi preparatorie di Milano su cui proporre Lectio Divine
Gv 1,11-12
Lc 2,40-41.51-52
Gen 1,26-31
Gen 2,18-24
Mt 2,13-14.19-23
Mt 5,43-6,4
Gen 2,1-4
Pr 31,10-31
Gn 3,17-19
Es 20,8-11
Mc 2,23-28
Gv 21,1-14
At 2,46-47; 4,33; 5,42
Mc 10,43-45
At 13,1-5
• Family processions or pilgrimages to appropriate shrines or places
• By using the official prayers of the VII WMF: the prayer in English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese

and formation

• Expanding on one or more catecheses chosen from the Preparatory Catecheses for the VII WMF: the catecheses in English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese
• Suggesting good practice
• Narrating witnesses
• Presenting the lives of holy married couples, or even the life of a holy father or mother

• Films

1. La nostra vita                                                           6. Il ragazzo con la bicicletta

2. La prima stella                                                         7. Another year
3. Io sono con te                                                          8. Il gioiellino                                                 
4. In un mondo migliore                                                9. Angele et Tony
5. American life                                                           10. We want sex    
Fuori percorso: The tree of life
Le Schede Film 
• Competitions
• Events with civic representatives or authorities on the occasion of the VII WMF
• Artistic itineraries
• Theatre Productions
• Exhibitions on themes related to the VII WMF
• Youth workshops for the VII WMF

• Diocesan Family Days
• Family Sundays

Works of Mercy
• Organizing fundraising charity for the support of local institutions dedicated to the care of families

• Italia

Diocesi di Alba, Cuneo-Fossano, Mondovì e Saluzzo
Diocesi di Novara

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 21-GIU-12

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