PCPF eng - Church
Family under Attack
The Episcopal Conference of the Congo has denounced threats against the domestic nucleus and society

"In our country, there is a growing number of dangers facing the family, victim of various forces that seek to distort and even destroy it," said the Congolese Bishops in a statement issued at the end of their 52nd Plenary Assembly, held in Kinshasa from 22 to 26 June.
For this reason, the Congolese Bishops have convoked for the month of February 2016 a national conference on the family, after next October‘s Synod dedicated to the fundamental cell of society.
The statement also mentions that the Bishops have "heard the cry of alarm raised by the population of the Territory of Bondo in the aftermath the massacres and kidnappings perpetrated by the LRA (Lord‘s Resistance Army)," as well as the poignant message of the Provincial Assembly of Bishops of Bukavu, denouncing the silence in the face of three major dangers in Kivu: a climate of genocide, a hotbed of jihadist fundamentalism and a process of balkanization.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-LUG-15

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