PCPF eng - Church
A Society on a Human and Familial Scale
Commentary on the Instrumentum Laboris: Pablo and Marcela Cavallero on Chapter II of Part I

The Spouses Pablo and Marcela Cavallero, lay members of the Pontifical Council for the Family and residents of Buenos Aires, give us their comments on Chapter II of Part I of the document that will guide the next Synod of Bishops on the family, entitled "The Family and the Socio-Economic Context."
The family is an important asset for society, say the authors, taking up a central idea of the document and of the next Synod. Within it alone are the bonds of fatherhood, sonship and brotherhood generated and cultivated, and it is precisely the family that teaches and trains how to apply them adequately in society. The family builds and keeps the "memory" alive through the generations that comprise it, and helps to create an identity. In the family, each member personally is a value and is not judged in accordance with his/her identity or efficiency, in contrast with today‘s widespread utilitarian culture. Despite its fundamental and irreplaceable role, the family often does not receive adequate support from the State; and, where this happens, we need to ask ourselves what "concept of family the State is interested in promoting."
Observing their social context, Pablo and Marcela Cavallero realize that there is a lack of real planning and that the actions of government deployed with respect to the family do not have an adequate structure. These are often cyclical and emergency interventions that have the savor of sterile, short-term welfare rather than that of real action for the promotion and dignity of the person.
Social policies, therefore, need a "re-orientation" aimed at the person and his/her well-being within society, and effectively fighting poverty, social exclusion and precariousness.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 21-LUG-15

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