PCPF eng - Church
Family Life and the Mystery of God
Commentary on the Instrumentum Laboris: Fr. Andrea Bozzolo on Chapter I of Part II

Fr. Andrea Bozzolo, professor of systematic theology at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy in Milan, speaks about Part II, Chapter I on "The Family and Divine Pedagogy."
The family―he affirms―cannot be fully understood in all its richness and complexity if it is considered as a reality in its own right and seen as self-referential. The deep mystery that encloses can unfold "only if one keeps one‘s eyes fixed on Jesus" and by experiencing the bonds within it in the light of the Mystery of God.
"The marriage covenant between a man and a woman―he says―is a living metaphor of the covenant between God and his people." The biblical God finds pleasure in describing and telling about the ardent love He nurtures for His people, repeatedly presenting the image of the bridegroom‘s love for his bride, and Christ’ love for his Church is the supreme form of agape, on which the spouses can constantly draw for their mutual self-giving and to truly form one flesh.
Consequently, in order to live and enjoy the familial vocation, it is necessary to embed it in God‘s Trinitarian mystery and to read it in the light of His love for humanity.
Fr. Bozzolo concludes his comments by pointing out that "Jesus‘ revelation, the space of the ties of the Father and the Son and the Spirit are offered to a man and a woman as the place in which to establish their home, founded on the rock of the Word and cemented by the power of grace, and so make family life into a real path to holiness."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 30-LUG-15

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