PCPF eng - Church
Waking Up from Sleep
The Diocese of Vigevano has presented booklets to accompany the faithful during the VIII World Meeting of Families and the Ordinary Synod

Much space has been dedicated by the Diocesan Office for Pastoral Care of the Family in the Diocese of Vigevano, in its calendar of activities for the year 2015-2016 and to promote the two family events in which the Church is engaged in during these weeks.
In fact, in addition to inviting the parishes of the area, through concrete initiatives, to tune in with the recently concluded VIII World Meeting of Families and October‘s Synod, the Office has organized important gatherings for prayer and meditation that, together with various booklets specially produced for these occasions, will accompany the family and its members during these two important events.
The first booklet, entitled "It‘s time to wake from sleep", and proposed on 12 September, along with the presentation of the agenda of this year‘s commitments, invites Christian spouses to look within themselves, within their relationship, in order to bring forth their response to their special vocation.
Three booklets are especially dedicated to meditation for the VIII World Meeting of Families: "Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive", "Building Marriage", and "Love bears fruit." On the other hand, booklets for the Synod, covering the entire period in which it will take place (from 4 to 25 October), offer indications for the prayer vigil—on the eve of its opening—, Pope Francis‘ prayer, prayer intentions for the closing Mass—on Sunday, October 25th—, and several prayers for daily recitation.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 02-OTT-15

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