PCPF eng - Church
Helping Couples in Crisis
The association Encounters of Married Couples has organized a seminar open to all its facilitators in Eastern Europe with the goal of providing increasingly better care for couples in difficulty

In recent days, the international seminar for the facilitators of the Association Encounters of Married Couples, entitled "The couple in crisis to Encounters of Married Couples," was held in Baranovichi, Belarus. 55 facilitators from the centers of Encounters of Married Couples in Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and the Ukraine, as well as the association Encounters of Married Couples of the Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, Russia, gathered in the house of the Priests of the Divine Word to perfect their preparation for helping wounded marriages.
Exchanging their experiences with couples in crisis, with whom the association puts them into contact, the participants of the seminar learned about new and different individual situations, characteristic of marriages in crisis. They discussed the facilitators‘ skills and the limits of their competences. Attention was also paid to The problem of accompanying spouses in crisis and the importance of not suggesting pre-packaged solutions to them, to solve problems in their place, was also discussed.
During the meeting—led by Irena and Jerzy Grzybowski, from Poland, founders of Encounters of Married Couples and their directors for many years—also highlighted the process that, with a good success rate, leads the couples to doing spiritual exercises; attention was focused on the negative influence that the syndromes of behavior induced by dysfunctional families have on marriage and children—especially the children of alcoholics, as well as the tragic consequences of depression and sex addiction. On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Grzybowski exposed in particular the correct operating method of personal conversations, by phone or mail, with people overcome by marital crises.
"I realized that I should not have a ready answer to all the questions of the people devastated by crisis," said at the end of the seminar Fr. Bronisław, a Dominican who works in Vitebsk, Belarus. He added that it is also "very important to open up internally to the problem connected to the addictions of spouses and their impact on the marriage relationship."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 03-NOV-15

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