PCPF eng - Church
Family Celebrations
The initiatives proposed by the Family and Life delegation of the Archdiocese of Toledo for Advent and Christmas

Events intended for the family during the Christmas season are being promoted by the Family and Life delegation of the Spanish Archdiocese of Toledo, where the advent calendar is woven with the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The parish of Escalona will host a Family Day on December 6th, and on the 11th a Family Night will be held in the church of the Mother Gaitanas. For December 12th, the Archdiocese’s Ministry for leisure time proposes a journey through the Sierra de San Vicente, in the context of the "Project Frassati" (see the Annex). On December 13th, after the opening of the Year of Mercy by Pope Francis on the December 8th, there will be an gathering with Don Braulio, to which all families are invited, (see the Annex). At the initiative of "Domus Ecclesiae," mothers, couples celebrating wedding gold and silver and the babies for sthe cribs will be blessed in the parishes. The medical workers will meet on December 12th in San Juan de la Cruz parish (see the Annex) and, as in previous years, the delegation of the Family will offer a course of spiritual exercises—this year from 11 and 13 March—at the residence of the Angelic Sisters in Toledo.
Among other initiatives that have been launched, there is the Mater Project that involves 40 women and "Leges et ars," which will take place on December 17th, in the Charity Hall of Saints Justa and Rufina Parish. On that occasion, Maria Teresa Martin Abad and Dr. Juan Marin Relanzon will speak on "Parental Authority and Joint Custody. Conflicts and solutions." The resource "Family Rock" (see the Annex) is specially intended for young families, and the project "Gifts to the King," which gives the possibility of writing a letter to Santa Claus with the desires that we bear in our hearts and only God can accomplish, is aimed at recovering the true meaning of Christmas. Finally, the Wise Men will make their entry on January 2nd, in the archbishop‘s palace, where they will be received by the Archbishop and then collect the letters of all present. The archdiocese also announced that the relics of Louis and Zelie Martin, presently visiting the houses for families of the Marian Congregation of St. Joseph, will come to the College of the Society of Mary, in Talavera de la Reina. On January 8th, 9th and 10th, there will be 4 days of study on the Social Doctrine of the Church—registrations will be accepted up to December 15th (see the attached file).
The schedule of blessings in December is also attached. 
Le iniziative in Spagna
Carta a las familias 

4 jornadas de pastoral
Encuentro Personal Sanitario Prosac
Indicaciones apertura Puerta Santa Toledo
Horarios bendiciones diciembre

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-DIC-15

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