PCPF eng - Church
No to Disadvantages
The Swiss Bishops‘ Conference has launched the initiative "For Marriage and the Family" in view of the popular vote of February 28th

The Conference of Swiss Bishops has gone into the field with the initiative "For Marriage and the Family – No to the Disadvantages for Married Couples," in view of the popular vote on February 28th, to ensure that the fact of being married does not entail tax charges or additional reductions in the pension.
Moreover, they also speak out on the definition of marriage. With respect to this, Msgr. Charles Morerod, Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg, and President of the Swiss Episcopal Conference, said in an interview in Le Temps, "we are in line with Pope Francis, who does not want to exclude homosexuals from the Church, as a matter of justice. But the religious definition of marriage is this: a sacrament that contains a natural reality, the union of a man and a woman, for the foundation of a family."
Read the interview with Bishop Morerod

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 09-FEB-16

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