PCPF eng - Church
World Marriage Day
Events, masses and celebrations for the festival of marriage throughout the world

Flash mobs in Belgium and Singapore, with couples embracing and holding up signs indicating the number of years they have been married. But also masses, blessings and anniversaries. These are just some of the ways in which World Marriage Day was celebrated last Sunday, throughout the world. In the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, in Los Angeles, for example, more than 60 couples celebrated their 25th, 50th or 70th wedding anniversaries by renewing their marriage vows, to show that it is possible to be happy together throughout a lifetime, with mutual respect and without getting weary. While this Day is celebrated only once a year, on the second Sunday of February, deepening initiatives and preparation continue all year long to build a path day after day.
For more info about World Marriage Day
At this link, the flashmob in Belgium
At this link, the flashmob in Singapore

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 24-FEB-16

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