PCPF eng - Church
The Human Being‘s Spousal Roots
The last national study week on marital and family spirituality is scheduled for the end of April, in Assisi

From 22 to 25 April, Assisi will host, at the Domus Pacis of Santa Maria degli Angeli, the third and final part of the cycle of national study Weeks on marital and family spirituality, entitled "Male and Female God Created Them (Genesis 1:27): The Spousal Roots of the Human Person."
The meeting—organized by the National Office of the Italian Bishops‘ Conference for family ministry, and, therefore, with special attention to pastoral care—will alternate lectures, panel discussions, workshops and testimonies, as well as moments of celebration and prayer. The scholars and featured speakers of these four days include the much awaited Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle; Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti; Cardinal Edoardo Menichelli; Msgr. Franco Giulio Brambilla, Bishop of Novara; Paolo Crepet, psychiatrist, sociologist and essayist; and Fr. Francesco Giosuè Voltaggio, Rector of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of Galilee, Israel.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 09-MAR-16

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