PCPF eng - Church
Mothers: The First "Common Home" to be Defended
On the Day for Life, the Spanish Bishops call for a full human ecology in which the family and its members always occupy the first place

"The common good presupposes respect for the human person as such, with the fundamental and inalienable rights ordered to his integral development. This also requires social well-being and the development of various intermediary groups, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity. Among these, the family in particular stands out, as the basic cell on which society is built and consolidated."
In this way, the Spanish Bishops call the State and society to better promote the common good, which is increasingly sacrificed on the altar of individualistic rights. They make this appeal in one of the most important passages of their statement "Care for Life, Sow Hope," written on the occasion of the Day for Life, celebrated on April 4th, 2016.
Indeed, for the Bishops‘ Conference of Spain, "human ecology above all calls us to take care of the first "home" in which we live, the mother‘s womb, a place of hospitality and protection, where the first human dialogue between the new being and his mother is established, thus laying the foundation for future human relations." Finally, the statement points out that "the protection of the weak and defenseless—as are the children that have been conceived and are not yet born, the poor and needy, those with illnesses or severe disabilities, and the elderly, who are approaching the last stages of their earthly life—is inevitably part of the promotion of the common good," and how each of us is called to promote it through integral human ecology.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 04-APR-16

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