PCPF eng - Church
From the Dioceses for the Families
The initiatives of local churches for the family, the story of daily mercy

From the north to the south, the dioceses throughout Italy are mobilizing for the families. In Puglia, in the Diocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri has created a diocesan service for the reception of separated faithful and named Fr. Emanuele Tupputi to head it up. The service "will have its headquarters in the diocesan curia at the Office of the diocesan ecclesiastical court," a statement indicated, and work in continuity with Pope Francis‘ reforms of marriage annulment.
In order to "draw attention to the verbs that make mercy in the daily life of families practicable, so that it gives a special and full savor to those who live it" the diocese of Trento proposes, for Saturday and Sunday, 9 and 10 April, the second diocesan feast of families on the theme "The Savor of Being a Family. The Joy of Hospitality, Caring, Forgiving..." On Saturday, at the Family Ministry Center, there will be a reading marathon, on the theme "Mercy and Family", with texts selected by each reader, and on Sunday, at 10:30 am, a talk show on the words of mercy in the family will be held in Trento‘s Auditorium, with the participation of personalities from the world of sports, entertainment and culture. Throughout the morning, until 12:30 pm, there will be entertainment at the Centro Santa Chiara, and activities will continue until 4:45 pm, when the Holy Door of the Cathedral will be opened for the solemn entry followed by the celebration of Holy Mass.
In Cagliari, on Sunday, 17 April, starting at 9:30 am, the diocesan day dedicated to the families will be celebrated on the theme "The Gospel of the Family in the Sign of Mercy." The initiative, organized by the Sardinian diocese‘s Office for Family Ministry, will be marked in the morning by the intervention of a couple representing the Bethany Formation Center of Rome. In the afternoon there will be activities for parents and children, and a show with puppets. The day will conclude with Holy Mass at 5:30 pm.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-APR-16

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