PCPF eng - Events
Moscow and Rome together for the family


The President of the Council, Mons. Vincenzo Paglia, met His Holiness Patriarch Cyril in Moscow on December 7th.
During the meeting, the Primate of the Russian Church recalled that “today the issue of the family is one of the central issues in the Church‘s relations with the surrounding world. If we are then talking about it in the context of bilateral relations between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, the family is the subject around which we can now actively cooperate, because we share practically the same view on all questions.”
Mons. Paglia, in turn, expressed his belief in the importance of the common witness of the Orthodox and the Catholics in the face of contemporary world on the issue of preservation of the family as the foundation of human society.
The two prelates concluded the meeting by stating the common desire of an intense and fruitful collaboration between the Patriarchate and the Pontifical Council for the Family.
The video of the meeting

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 07-FEB-13

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