PCPF eng - Events
Philadelphia 2015, the House of Families
From 22 to 27 September 2015, the VIII World Meeting in Pennsylvania

During the press conference, the Archbishop of the Diocese of Philadelphia, Msgr. Charles Chaput announced the official date of the VIII World Meeting of Families. It will take place on September 22-27, 2015, in the State of Pennsylvania, one of the oldest and most populated regions of the United States of America, where — the prelate said — «the United States began as a nation and political ideals there conceived have served human rights, human freedom and human dignity».

«This event is an opportunity filled with grace that has the power to transform, in deeply positive ways, not just the spirit of Catholic life in our area, but our entire community from around the world», the Archbishop. Msgr. Chaput said, then thanked Pope Benedict XVI for having fixed the official date of the meeting before the conclusion of his Petrine ministry, thus confirming the importance of the family as «a true domestic church and the cornerstone of society», about which he often spoke during his Pontificate.
The theme of the meeting, which will «emphasize the good news of the family in the world and highlight its intrinsic value to the good of society», will be announced after the election of the new Pope.
The video of the press conference, 25 February 2013.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 11-MAR-13

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