PCPF eng - Church
Mixed Marriage in Lebanon/2
Cardinal Béchara Boutros Rai, Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon, on richness and dangers

«The confessional difference in Lebanon is a resource of richness», we read in a Document of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life of the Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon “Mixed Marriages in Lebanon. Realities and Challenges”. Some more problems present marriages between Christians and Muslims, because of «the differences there are about faith and practices, daily life and the ideas of family and union of the couple, the role of woman and the authorithy».
In an interview for the Pontificial Council for the Family Cardinal Béchara Boutros Rai, Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon, spoke about the situation of the family and mixed marriage in Lebanon. «The Costitution and socio-political formation of Lebanon is based on religious affiliation. Therefore, one is lebenese through ones faith. Lebanon recognize a confessional jurisdictions to the church and full autonomy at the legislative and judicial level in all matter referring to marriage and family, as well as civil effects. Therefore, Lebanon as a Parliament, never interferes in legislating against Muslim and Christian values and principles relating to matrimony and family, and this truly a way of protecting the family. At the legislative level we are protected, At the pastoral level, there is still a vast amount of activity, we have problems between spouses which are attended to in our ecclesiastic courts», the Cardinal said. «Mixed marriage exists between Christians – Catholics and Orthodox and Protestants – and between Christians and Muslims. We live together in a very mixed society, at the school, at University, at country and city level. We help people not encouraging mixed marriage in order to preserve ones faith and tradition. There is a Pastoral for mixed marriage. We try to help the spouses to respect the other’s religion and family and community. There are many non-catholic who agree to get married in a Catholic Church, there are some Muslims who say: let’s get married in a Catholic Church, to respect and satisfy their future spouse. It is true that problems arise when husband and wife each have their tradition and culture. Some are able to live well together, others say: let’s leave together in peace and leave religious life aside. I can say we have not many problems at this level. The only one problem is that the Orthodox, Protestants and Muslims accept divorce and we Catholics do not. We say to the spouses: be aware we have this problem in the future. Try to live well and together».
Then, Cardinal Boutros said: «The most important task is to educate the spouses so that each live his and her faith and respect the faith of the other and of the children. In Lebanon, the spouses are married under the confession of the male spouse and until they are 18 years old the children belong to the religion and community of their father. After the age of 18 they can change. There are many mixed marriage and they are positive. It is also good at a social level, because families come closer together. Mixed marriage help with regard to harmony and they contribute to the proximity between Christians and Muslims and also have good results at a political level».

The video of the Interview

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 10-APR-13

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