PCPF eng - Society
A March for Marriage
Today, in Washington, for the defense of Family. The Message from the President of the Pontifical Counsil for the Family

A “March for Family”, today, the 26th of march, Is promoted in Washington by the National Organization for Marriage (Nom) together with the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth and the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the participation of families of mothers and fathers and sons from all the federal States, catholic priests and evangelistic ministers, to defend the value of the marriage between a man and a woman, before a pronunciation of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, the President of the Pontifical Consil for the Family, has sent a Message to the chairmen of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, to say the «gratefully of our Dicastery for this witness to the beauty and value of Catholic belief and practice, which sees in marriage and the family a unique resource for the good of all humanity». It is a reason of joy that the event has place during the Holy Week, just to remember «the great sacrifice that Jesus made in giving His life for us; it also reveals how He did so in the context of relationships that are mirrored in the life of every family: the loving obedience of the Son to his Father, the provident love in the Father’s plan for salvation that would bring the Son out of suffering and into glory, the faithfulness of a mother’s love as Mary stood beneath the cross on which her Son was dying; and the protective love, learned from Saint Joseph, that Jesus showed his mother when, just before dying, he entrusted her to Saint John, and Saint John to her, as mother and son».
The Secretary of our Dicastery, Msgr. Jean Laffitte, sent a salute for the participants to the March, reaffirming what said in the occasion of a similar event in France on 24th of March to defend the marriage between a man and a woman, the to defend – The Secretary said – a «an authentic culture of love and life». Msgr. Laffitte puts in a light «the fallacy of legal arguments which pretend to found claims of rights in the name of a principle of legalty and tolerance, where justice and right have to be founded on the dignity of a person not on relative rights». First of all, the natural marriage between a man and a woman defend the children. In fact, «children are the first victims, when they are arbitrarily and a priori deprived of a family with a father and a mother».
During the days before, Msgr. Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop di Fort Wajne-South Bend, together with Msgr. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Arcbishop of San Francisco, wrote to all the dioceses and parishes asking to encourage participation in this event during the Holy Week: «It is a significant opportunity to promote and defend marriage and good of our nation, to pray for the Supreme Court Justice and to stand in solidarity with people of good will». Web Sites, for information: http://www.marriagemarch.org and https://www.facebook.com/MarchforMarriage.
Message of Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-MAR-13

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