PCPF eng - Society
Together for an Human Ecology
Manifestations of Catholics and non-Catholics in defense of life, the family and the dignity of the human person continue

The critical enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of citizens in France, and not just Catholics, opposed to the legalization of marriage between persons of the same sex, approved on April 23rd and destined to be promulgated on May 26th, is unceasing. For that date, a demonstration in the streets of Paris has been organized. The participants will come to the capital from all over France, thanks to the solidarity system —already tested on other occasions of peaceful demonstrations in favor of life— that provides free accommodation, shared transportation and material assistance to needy families.
The peaceful mobilization against the law for the so-called “egalitarian” marriage has never stopped, on Internet and in the streets, even with encampments in front of the National Assembly or at the homes of ministers, in what has been described as “the operation of morning waking” before the houses of Ministers, or gatherings of young people singing and being together “vigils” (they are called, precisely, veilleurs). There is also the network of the “mothers who watch” —mères veilleuses— in protest against adoptions by same-sex couples, and especially against surrogacy, which is «the capitalist commodification of the poorest women’s wombs».
The President of the French Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop of Marseille, Msgr. Georges Pontier, who was elected in April and will assume the office in July, believes that the demonstrations in defense of life, the family and the dignity of the human person, should be extended with the same energy to all fields of life and of social coexistence, where the fundamental and inalienable values at stake are not only ethical and bioethical but also economic and political. All areas of existence and knowledge, in fact, are based on an anthropological vision, on a conception of life and of the human person. It is, in fact, a matter of human ecology. All those who share the same concern for the fate of human beings and the same responsibility are, therefore, invited to attend.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 05-GIU-13

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