PCPF eng - Events
The Mother and the Father in Education
On Wednesday, 29 May, the second of the “Dialogues for the Family” promoted by the Dicastery will begin at 5:00 p.m.

The appointment with the second of the “Dialogues for the Family” promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Family, on Wednesday May 29th, will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the Sala Pio XI (Piazza di San Callisto 16) on the theme: “The Mother and the Father in the children’s education. The imperfect love”.

The President, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, presents the sense of the meeting as follows: «Human love is never perfect, but the family is a school of love and a training ground, where a person learns to live in relationship with others, by sharing the wealth of differences, those between the sexes and between the generations, with respect for the dignity and vocation of each person’s life, in communion and peace. Equality is not uniformity; and it’s necessary, including with the help of the human sciences, to understand the richness and value of the difference between the sexes in the mission of the education and the growth of children».
The day‘s program. The speakers will be, in this order: the psycho-biologist Grazia Attili, on the theme “An Imperfect Love: When Parents are not as We Would Like Them;” the journalists Miriano Constance, on the theme: “The Wealth of Difference” and Giuliano Ferrara, on the theme “From the Male to the Father;” the moral philosopher Fr. Olivier Bonnewijn on the theme: “The Wounds of the Couple in the Relationship with Their Children.” The meeting will be moderated by the psychologist Claudio Risé, author of important books on the father’s role (“Il padre, l’assente inaccettabile” [The Father, the Unacceptable Absent One], “Il mestiere di padre” [The Father’s Job]).

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 28-MAG-13

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