PCPF eng - Events
A Journey of Thanksgiving
The President of the Pontifical Council for the Family in Latin America, 21-26 May

At the invitation of the Latin American Church, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, will visit Latin America (Argentina and Chile), together with a delegation of the Dicastery, from Tuesday 22 to Sunday 26 May, with a very tight schedule of events, which offer the opportunity —says Msgr. Paglia— to «thank the Latin American Church for the Bishop of Rome, Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has brought the freshness and warmth of South America’s people as a gift for the renewal for the whole Church». The President said that he was very happy to meet «the Church at the end of the world, where the Holy Spirit called the Pontiff, Pastor of the universal Church».

These are the main events on the visit’s agenda:
On Tuesday, May 21st, immediately after arriving in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia will give a lecture at the Catholic University of Argentina on the “Charter of the Rights of the Family,” just published by the Pontifical Council for the Family, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary;
On Wednesday the 22nd, in La Plata, he will meet family associations and groups of families affected by the flood, which caused many casualties and considerable damage in April;
On Thursday the 23rd, in Santiago, Chile, he will meet the Latin America Network of Institutes for the Family (Redifam), and give a lecture at the Pontifical Catholic University on: “The family, the school of virtue;”
On Friday the 24th, he will meet the leaders of the Family Centers in Latin America, who are assembled for their Congress; there he will give two talks —the first on “The University at the Service of the Family” and the second on "The Essential Lines of Family Ministry in Our Days”— and then meet with students of the Pontifical Major Seminary of Santiago;
On Saturday, May 25th, at the Pontifical Catholic University, there’ll be a meeting with the young Catholic leaders to talk about the family, and then a visit to the Shrine of St. Teresa of the Andes;
On Sunday the 26th, after a visit to the National Shrine of Maipú and Holy Mass in a parish, a visit to the Center of the family of the Diocese of San Bernardo is scheduled, and in the evening there will be a meeting with the leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations for the family.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 23-MAG-13

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