PCPF eng - Culture
Those who Love Peace Defend Life
On August 28th, as on every last Wednesday of the month, in Argentina, there was a march for life and against abortion

As on the last Wednesday of each month since 2006, this year on August 28th, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, there was a “Marcha de los escarpines” ("March of the slippers"), the 74th edition, promoted by the Catholic Association Fampaz to defend and promote the value of life, which is a gift from God. “Because we love peace, we defend life”, was the slogan of this event. And then the call: «Spend an hour of your time per month to save a baby for a lifetime».
The March in 2013 was addressed to the attention of politicians and parliamentarians, so that they may «take into account the defense of human life from conception, by respecting justice, which means protecting the weakest, first of all, by promoting and validating legislation that defends them».
The march in August was accompanied by the words Pope Bergoglio pronounced, during the National Day of the Family in Brazil, on the 12th of this month: «Human life must always be defended, from the womb, as a gift from God and the assurance for humanity’s future».

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 02-SET-13

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