PCPF eng - Events
The Children’s Home
The President of our Dicastery, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, in Brazil, on Monday, November 4th, 2013, to contribute to the "Nova Semente" Center

The Pontifical Council for the Family is contributing to the restructuring of the Reception Center for children from poor families “Nova Semente,” in San Salvador, which aims at bettering the structure with the objective of receiving more children, most of whom are those of prisoners, of drug addicts and of people living in the streets or in serious economic difficulty, children whose parents cannot help them to grow serenely and harmoniously. This contribution will also help the families of these children. The President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, in the name of the Dicastery, will deliver the contribution to the Archbishop of the Brazilian metropolis, Msgr. Murilo Sebastiao Ramos Krieger scj, Monday, November 4th, in the afternoon, as part of a festive gathering with the community.
Currently, the Center, run by Sisters, is the home of 31 children; as a result of the restructuration co- funded by the Pontifical Council, the capacity will be increased to 40 places.
On the evening of Tuesday, November 5th, in St. Paul, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia will meet agents of the Archdiocese’s family ministry, which is directed by Card. Odilo Pedro Scherer.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 05-NOV-13

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