PCPF eng - Events
Christians, United for the Family
An Ecumenical Day organized by our Dicastery together with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Moscow Patriarchate

In collaboration with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Department for External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Pontifical Council for the Family will host an Ecumenical Day, on Wednesday, November 13th, 2013, on the theme: “Orthodox and Catholics Together for the Family.” The meeting will begin at 10:00 am, in the Sala Pio XI at Piazza San Calisto 16. The speakers will be, together with the President of the Council, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, who will open the session: H.E. Hilarion, Metropolitan of Vololamsk; Paul Ferliga, psychoanalyst; Mikhail Zheltov, professor of pastoral and ecclesiastical Sciences in Moscow; Antonio Pitta, professor of New Testament Exegesis at the Pontifical Lateran University; and Maksim Obuchov, Director of the Russian Orthodox Centre “La Vita.”
Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia made this comment: “The Christian family as one is called to bear witness together to the beauty of the family, in the good news of the Gospel. It has become urgent for Christians to share and value what unites them instead of highlighting the differences, not in the name of a theological minimalism that obliterates the differences, but in order to deepen and mutually enrich the one and only truth and mission, in which we are called engage by following Jesus’ example.”

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-NOV-13

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