PCPF eng - Culture
The Celebration of Life
The Italian Church will celebrate the Day for Life, on February 2nd, this year on the theme: “Generating the Future”

On February 2nd, the Italian Church celebrates the Day for Life, this year on the theme “Generating the Future”. For the occasion, the Diocese of Caserta is organizing a Festival for Life (from January 25th to February 2nd), in this fourth edition on the theme of solidarity. On February 1st, the Dicastery’s President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, and Fr. Paolo Gentili, Director of the National Office for the Pastoral Care of the Family of the Italian Episcopal Conference, will speak.
In the Message of the Permanent Council of Bishops for this 36th Day for Life, we read this:
«Our children are the apple of our eyes... What would become of us if we didn’t look after our eyes? How could we move forward'’ Saying this, Pope Francis, at the opening of the XXVIII World Youth Day, enlightened and encouraged all to care for life, remembering that generation contains the seed of the future. The child, in his mother’s womb, already stretches out toward tomorrow, accompanied by the foresighted and conscious choice of a man and a woman who cooperate with the Creator. Birth opens the horizon to further steps that will design his future, as well as that of his parents and of the society that surrounds him, where he is called to make an original contribution. This itinerary highlights “the close relationship between educating and generating: the educational relationship is inserted in the generative act and in the experience of being children,’ in the knowledge that ‘a child learns to live by looking at his parents and at adults.’ Every child is the face of the ‘Lord and lover of life” (Wis 11:26), a gift for the family and for society».
The full version of the message

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 17-GEN-14

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