PCPF eng - Church
Generating the Future
At the Angelus on Sunday, February 2nd, which coincided with the Italian Day for Life, Pope Francis, strongly encouraged those who defend and promote it

“Today, in Italy, we are celebrating the Day for Life, on the theme ‘Generating the Future.’ I address my greetings and encouragement to the associations, movements and cultural centers involved in the defense and promotion of life. I join the Italian Bishops in reiterating that ‘every child is the face of the Lord, lover of life, a gift for the family and for society’ (Message for the XXXVI National Day for Life). May each person, in his or her personal role and particular field, feel called to love and serve life, to accept it, respect it and promote it, especially when it is fragile and needs special attention and care, from the womb to its end on this earth.”

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 05-FEB-14

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