PCPF eng - Culture
The Fascination of Life
During the Conference “From Conception, the Face of Christ” Bishop Laffitte asked those in attendance to recognize the divine mystery present in the human embryo

“How is it possible that human life has been reduced to being just a “problem? This was the question raised by Bishop Jean Laffitte in his address dealing with the theological status of the embryo during the theological/pastoral conference “From Conception, the Face of Christ” held in Rome from the 21st to the 23rd March.
Underlining the superficiality with which many politicians and organizations justify abortion by framing it in terms of presumed “problems” and consequent “solutions,” Bishop Laffitte called attention to the mystery, the divinity, of life and invited his listeners to allow themselves to fascinated with life: “Culture today sees everything in terms of problems and solutions. But human life is a reality that is mysterious, that we can’t understand completely. It is not something over which we have power, particularly at its beginning, when its mystery is even greater–it can’t be seen nor can we predict what it will be, its qualities, its destiny, how it will become part of human society.”
At the end of his presentation, the secretary of the Council addressed two other difficulties related to the divine spark present in every human being–the suffering and sin connected with the death of embryos, and the role of baptism in the plan of salvation.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 31-MAR-14

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