PCPF eng - Church
John XXIII and the Family
A small reflection upon the magisterium of the Holy Father Roncalli

Even though the family was not one of the principle themes of Saint John XXIII’s pontificate, there are actually many texts where the new saint refers to the family.
Above all we see the family treated in two encyclicals. In the second chapter of Ad Petri Cathedram (1959), Pope John XXIII wished that peace, unity, and harmony would be realized each day by each member of the family: fathers, mothers, and children. In paragraphs 180-185 of Mater et Magistra, Roncalli examines the transmission of and respect for life, articulating a beautiful reflection of education in the family and the positive use of modern technology.
The new saint always gave a special message on the feast of the Holy Family. In 1959 he recognized the family as one of the fundamental pillars of society and dedicated an important passage to families that were poor and suffering.In 1960 he put forth the Holy Family of Nazareth as the model of all human families.In 1961 he recalled the difficulties faced by families as well as the responsibility to give greater to attention to the family in the social arena. Also,in 1962 he invited all peoples, as the Magi did before them, to follow the light of the family of Nazareth.
Two other discourses of Pope John XXIII cannot be forgotten as well: the first in 1959 to the “Centro Italiano Femminile” regarding the nature of womanhood and the second being the general audience of 7/12/1959.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 29-APR-14

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