PCPF eng - Culture
March for Life in Rome
The message from Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia for the May 4th event

“I accompany your initiative in friendship and affection.” It was thus that H.E. Msgr. Vicenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, wrote to Luigi Coda Nunziante of the March for Life Committee in view of the May 4th March in Rome.
The March, leaving from Piazza della Repubblica, ends at St. Peter’s with the Regina Coeli with Pope Francis. Preceding the March on Saturday May 3, there is the national congress at the Pontifical Ateneo Regina Apostolurm entitled “Dai una chance a ogni vita” (Give a chance to every life), considering medical and juridical themes.
Msgr. Paglia, praising “the program and its ecumenical style” in which event has been presented, recalls the words of Pope Francis to the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care: “In protecting and promoting life, at any stage or condition, we can recognize the dignity and value of every single human being, from conception until death.”
In his message Msgr. Paglia also referred to what was said by Angelo Cardinal Bagnasco, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, to the Permanent Council of Bishops: “We reaffirm the primacy of the person, and thus the care that is due every person especially if in a situation of weakness – against all forms of discrimination and violence. At the same time we cannot fail to recall the grave danger that comes from distorting or disregarding the fundamental facts and principles of nature regarding the goods of life, family, and education.”
Click here to read the full message:

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-MAG-14

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