PCPF eng - Events
Families of Asia, lights of hope
Msgr. Laffitte is the guest of honor at the Asian Congress on the Family

From May 13 – 16, the Asian Conference on the Family will take place in Manila with the title of Families of Asia – Lights of Hope. The special event, promoted by the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines, will feature for the first time official contributions - both in terms of organization and content - from the Pontifical Council for the Family. Representing the PCF as the guest of honor during the four day period of meetings and discussions will be none other than the Secretary of the PCF, H.E. Msgr. Jean Laffitte, who will give presentations on diverse themes regarding Family and Life.
The points of reference during the conference will include the Charter of the Rights of the Family, which last year celebrated its 30 year anniversary, as well as the 1981 Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio by Saint John Paul II
There will be four principle meetings giving structure to the event filled days. The first will be the morning of May 13, when in the Cardinal Sin di Paco Auditorium in Manila over 800 persons involved in education and catechetics will gather to hear Msgr. Lafitte open the Conference with his address on “Challenges and Blessings for Asian Families.” That evening there will be a second event - a dinner with 200 lawyers and legislators. During this event, Msgr. Laffitte will present on the theme of “The Charter of the Rights of the Family: Gift of the Church, Mission for Catholics,” illustrating links between the Charter and the Philippine Constitution.
The last two main events will be the Asian Conference on the Family (14 – 16 May, with the Bishops and delegates), in which Msgr. Laffitte will take part, and the Festival of the Families.
Also, one other objective that the Congress proposes is the discussion of possible national legislation founding a holiday dedicated to the family, as well as a week commemorating the family.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-MAG-14

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