PCPF eng - Culture
I received, I passed along
A new book has been published with the presentations of a two-day gathering held by the PCF to address the distance between older and younger generations

The President of the PCF, H.E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, has come out with a new book entitled, “Ho ricevuto, ho trasmesso”, which can be translated as “I received, I passed along” (171 pages, Vita e Pensiero) The book seeks to gather many voices to promote the ambitious goal of tackling present problems regarding the relationship between the generations. Drawing from experts in diverse disciplines and from a variety of perspectives, the book assimilates presentations from an event that took place last November organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family.
The text seeks, through the point of view of 12 different authors of diverse fields, to examine the fundamental question of whether or not parents are still able to pass along to their children the testimony and witness which was in turn was passed along to them by their parents. Today parents are faced with the decision to choose an individualistic ethic in their life together as a couple – only consuming and incapable of giving – or a way of life that promotes the true well being of the other, with an openness to children, life, and the future.
Msgr. Paglia will present the book on Sunday, May 11 at 13.00 at the “Salone del libro di Torino”.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 08-MAG-14

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