PCPF eng - Culture
If the family is at the center, Guatemala will go far.

Guatemalans are invited to march together under the same flag in respect for life and to safeguard the family. For these ends, the National March for Life and Family was organized by the AFI (The Family is Important) Association along with the participation of 31 other organizations, among which the Family Section of the Commission of Laity and Consecrated Life of the Guatemalan Episcopal Conference, with support of the bishops.

The March will take place Sunday, May 11 at 8.00 am, beginning at the Sede of the Commune of Guatemala City and going to the Plaza of the Constitution, where various activities will take place with important national personalities and diverse musical groups.
The motto of the large and peaceful demonstration will be: “The Family at the Center.” The main motivation of the organizers is to spread the joy that comes with new life, its relevance for society, the importance of the family unit, and above all the promotion of the benefits that the family brings to the integral develop of society. From the beginning of the campaign, a Manifesto highlighted main themes of the initiative:

The value of life and family must be recognized, guarded and sustained by the nation because:
- Life, beginning at conception, is the fundamental right of all human beings. Life begins in the family.
- The family is founded upon the concrete commitment between man and woman in which both give and commit themselves to the procreation and upbringing of their children.
- The family is the support and starting point of society: it is thus where future citizens are educated.
- Father and mother are those principally responsible to guarantee a good education for their children. No one can substitute them in this duty.
- Governments contribute to the common good and sustainability of society when they favor politics that reinforce the family.
- The well being of the family must be promoted. For this, we are all responsible!
Along with the March, a petition was launched requesting from the government the recognition, protection, and sustaining of the family.
For more information: www.marchaporlavidaguate.org
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Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 12-MAG-14

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