PCPF eng - Culture
A Chance for All
Medical and legal experts examined pro-life themes and founded the “Vita è” (Life is) Association at the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum

At the National Medical Jurist Conference, which took place at the Regina Apostolorum in Rome on Saturday, May 3, Antonio Maria Oriente, doctor and member of the Italian Catholic Gynecology and Obstetrician Association, described his journey as such: “I (began) as gynecologist of death. I assisted many children in being born but many others I killed. Then, one day, something changed. A few months later I thus gave Pope Francis the surgical instruments that I used to practice abortion.” The conference, entitled, “Dai una chance a ogni vita” (Give a chance to every life) took place the day before the Italian March for Life. Regarding “emergency contraception”, Bruno Mozzanega, gynecologist of the Gynecological and Obstetrics Clinic of Padova noted, “The laws (regarding 194)…affirm that life must be cared for from its start, but later do not do so.” As to emergency contraception in the case of rape, Medical Bioethicist Maria Luisa di Pietro of the Universita Cattolica stated, “In the case of rape there is not an act of love, even if between spouses, and it is not a free giving, because it is an act that is imposed.” Even in the case of rape, however, “it is better to not take the pill. If I see something moving behind a tree and I don’t know if it’s a boy or a rabbit, its always better not to shoot.” Later, di Pietro added it is good to have “tough punishments for offenses of abuse against women, and never stop to educate people in respect for the other and the beauty of human sexuality, and finally, accompany the woman in the pain and suffering of the inhuman experience that she has endured in body and soul.” Notably as well, it was at the conference that the Association “Vita è” (Life is) was presented, which seeks to engage the cultural and legal aspects of the defense and life and family.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 12-MAG-14

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