PCPF eng - Events
Put a philosopher and a geneticist at dinner together one evening and….
One of the two days dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of gender set up by the Dicastery is concluded

To really understand the situation requires a tremendous and enthusiastic effort. It requires methodological and precise attention to avoid cliché arguments and preconceived notions, and it requires patience to learn and engage, as well as passion for the good, true, and beautiful.
In this manner some 30 experts from various disciplines were invited to the Pontifical Council for the Family for two days of study on the theme of “Gender in the Contemporary International Debate”. Not a congress per se, but rather a dialogue, doctors, philosophers, biologists, biblical scholars, psychologists, geneticists, and sociologists all gathered side by side ready to present ideas from their respective areas of expertise and also to listen to those of others. This is done so as to, as stated very well in the introductory remarks by the Secretary of the Dicastery, Msgr. Jean Laffitte: “to identify an essential and profound nucleus that constitutes the common basis of truth regarding the human being upon which to bring to a convergence – possibly – the consensus of the greatest number of people possible, coming from the diverse cultures, faiths, and schools of thought.”
Moderated by the philosopher Carmelo Vigna, the two days were animated: the first by brief remarks from geneticists, doctors, and biologists in considering the construction of the sexual identity of the individual from the biological point of view; with the second by remarks from philosophers and moralists in their presentations upon the evolution of “Gender Studies”, and thought regarding sexual difference that has emerged as a true and veritable richness of humanity.
The difficulty to remain united in dialogue with modes of reasoning and points of view so different was appreciated by all, as all also recognized however the profound sense of awe present in the deepening of knowledge of the complex mystery of the human identity as male and female.
It is thus for that reason that the invitation given by the Under Secretary of the Dicastery, Msgr. Carlos Simon Vasquez, was well received: an invitation to continue forward in this regard, expanding more internationally and also taking into account the opportunities offered by the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 18-GIU-14

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