PCPF eng - Culture
Pastoral Care of the Family
Scientific reflection and pastoral activity in the volume edited by the University of Lublin

A very welcome visit was made by Rev. Dr. Jacek Golen, Professor of Pastoral Care for the Family in the Institute of Pastoral Theology and Catechetics at the Catholic University of Lublin in Poland.
Taking part in the June 23rd meeting held at the Pontifical Council for the Family were Under-Secretary Msgr. Carlos Simon Vazquez, Head of Office Rev. Gianfranco Grieco O.F.M. Conv., Official Rev. Jacek Pawel Kusiak, and Rev. Tomasz Tylutki who is a student at the John Pau II Institute.
The work “La Pastorale delle Famiglie. Riflessione scientifica e attività pastorale” (Bunus Liber, Lublin 2013 pp. 824) was presented during the meeting by Rev. Prof. Dr. Tysard Kaminski of the University of Lublin, and the work brings together voices of diverse experts in the field, with a deep scientific reflection on the theme of family in the world in light of the Magisterium of the Church. The work, the fruit of attentive scientific research, is a valid instrument of assistance to the pastoral care of the family. The work will soon be translated into English and other languages. This publication is also a good contribution to the Synod of Bishops and the upcoming World Meeting of Family to be held in Philadelphia in 2015.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 27-GIU-14

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