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Discorso alla Couple to Couple League

It is apt and proper to acknowledge with gratitude at the beginning of this talk the great initiative of the Couple to Couple League to make its members more aware of the duties of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The council believes that this effort certainly opens many ways for further collaborative effort to uphold the grandeur of Conjugal love and the family.
Effectively, marriage and the Family constitute one of the most precious of human values. Gaudium et Spes says the well being of the individual person and of the human society is intimately
linked with the healthy condition of that community produced by marriage and the family. Nevertheless, if we are to honestly ask ourselves whether such excellence or importance is reflected
with equal brilliance in our contemporary society, such is a big point for reflection for all of us.
I would like to proceed then with this talk elaborating the context where we all find ourselves in thus further understanding the immensity of the Church‘s concerns. To do this is to try to outline the actual challenges that confront marriage and the family today, its implications and effects.
Afterwards, we look into what the reflection of the Church has been in this field at the theological, anthropological, ethical and spiritual level. This eventually leads us to grasp the importance of the mission of the Pontifical Council for the Family.

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 01-LUG-14

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