PCPF eng - Church
Remarried Divorcees

On the subject of the administration of the Sacraments to civilly remarried divorcees, the Cardinal gave a long interview to the American magazine "Commonweal", reprinted by the "Vatican Insider" (La Stampa) on May 8th.
Speaking about the first marriage, Cardinal Kasper said that it "is indissoluble because marriage is not only a promise between the two partners; it’s God’s promise too, and what God does is done for all time. Therefore the bond of marriage remains. Of course, Christians who leave their first marriage have failed. That’s clear. The problem is when there is no way out of such a situation. If we look to God’s activity in salvation history, we see that God gives his people a new chance. That’s mercy. God’s love does not end because a human being has failed—if he repents. God provides a new chance—not by cancelling the demands of justice: God does not justify the sin."
He added, "I do not deny that the bond of marriage remains the bond of marriage remains, the fathers of the church had a wonderful image: If there is a shipwreck, you don’t get a new ship to save you, but you get a plank so that you can survive. That’s the mercy of God—to give us a plank so we can survive."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 06-AGO-14

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