PCPF eng - Church
The Family: Haven of Faith and Humanity
At the Extraordinary Synod the small-group discussions have begun. One of their moderators, Cardinal Filoni, talks about his experience in Iraq and addresses some of the issues discussed by the Assembly

"Every time someone in the Middle East is killed in a conflict, a family loses one of its components. Not to mention the repercussions within the family circle because of the general lack of work caused by the war. I therefore consider very important the fact that the Synod Fathers issued a message in support of the families living in that troubled part of the world."
These were the words of Cardinal Fernando Filoni at the briefing in the Vatican press office, on Tuesday morning, after the publication of the Relatio post disceptationem and at the beginning of the work in the small-groups. "I personally—continued the Cardinal Filoni, moderator of one of the groups– have seen of the situation in Iraq, and one of the things that struck me most is that, thanks to well cultivated family ties, people are staying together and not dispersing. The organization caring for places where refugees are received has made this dynamic even more beautiful and evident: in every camp, each of its areas has been entrusted to a family or a network of families from the same country. This foresight has helped the members of the families psychologically, physically and spiritually. Their faith has remained intact, and this is said by someone who has seen many pray together, in intimacy, just as they were accustomed to doing before the war."
Cardinal Filoni then spoke about the work done by his group "Italico A", composed of twenty members; he said that, in a few hours, they had already been able to discuss in depth the introduction and the first part of the Relatio post disceptationem. After having addressed the question of accompanying spouses after marriage, "especially couples who right after the wedding begin to show signs of weakening," the Cardinal Filoni dwelt on the commitment undertaken by the missionary families, recognizing that, "thanks to them, in the last fifty years, missions in the world have shown an overall increase. While there is clearly a decrease in the number of religious, on the other hand, more and more laypeople, with their families, especially when they are numerous, are able to make others curious and so prepare their hearts to receive the Gospel."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 15-OTT-14

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