PCPF eng - Church
God‘s Will for the Family
Bishop Jean Laffitte in an interview with "Famille chrétienne": "A new way to experience beauty"

"I think that it is legitimate to talk about those who are divorced and remarried. Yet, one can also lose sight of the beauty and greatness of love by constantly focusing on problems. Furthermore, when too much attention is given to a part of the world, one is likely to forget the situation and the wealth that exists elsewhere. A number of Synod Fathers have stressed the culturally ‘Western‘ nature of the matter." Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, said this in reply to one of the questions put to him by Jean-Marie Dumond in an interview for "Famille chrétienne" about the Synod on the Family.
"Some say that the Synod raises a lot of expectations, and if the results do not come there might be a bit of disappointment. When people expect something from a Synod, we have to ask if these are also God’s expectations," Msgr. Laffite continued. "What do we want? Sensational changes or a new way, for the Church, to help people to experience the beauty of the sacrament of marriage and the family? If what we expect–he concluded–is an innovation that completely disrupts the conception that the Church and the Christian tradition have of love, we no longer place ourselves in the Christian logic, but in ideology."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 04-NOV-14

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