PCPF eng - Church
The Small Groups are at Work
Cardinal Sistach and Msgr. Fisichella reported on some of the issues addressed in the Synod’s working groups

"In our group, which is dealing with the natural methods, we talked about the value of the conscience, which is another aspect to keep in mind together with the dignity of the person. Yet, today the conscience is either not formed properly or people just do not feel it. In fact, there are many background noises that lead to disregard it."
The Moderator of the group "Iberico A", Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach, thus explained on Wednesday morning, during the day’s briefing in the Vatican Press Office, one of the themes discussed by his group these days. Accordging to Msgr. Rino Fisichella, another of the speakers at the press conference and relator of group "Italico B": "These days are certainly the most fruitful ones for the Synod. The working groups in fact give their members a kind freedom that is impossible during the general debate due to the great number of interventions, each limited to four minutes. Now, on the contrary, we can explain in detail our viewpoints and the motivations that perhaps prompt us to request changes in the Relatio post disceptationem."
Msgr. Fisichella then spoke about two of the subjects that have been dealt with in his group: "First of all, we have tried to find every possible formula so that the procedure of marriage annulment may always be completely free of charge for everyone. Secondly, we have found that it is necessary to give more attention in the final document to the hundreds of thousands of families—and not only Christians—who have chosen to adopt a child. This is truly a concrete gesture that resolutely manifests love and solidarity."

Ultimo aggiornamento di questa pagina: 20-OTT-14

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